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Love Your Park is a citywide initiative focused on cleaning, greening, and celebrating Philadelphia’s parks. From regular volunteer workdays to citywide celebrations and year-round community organizing, Love Your Park brings Philadelphians together to clean, green, and celebrate our public green spaces. One of their keystone events is the annual spring and fall Love Your Park Week which is a week-long celebration of parks across Philadelphia. Park Friends groups across Philadelphia will be tending gardens and flower beds, caring for trees, and cleaning up our parks after a cold winter.

Clark Park always embraces Love Your Park Week as a mainstay of our sprint push the ready the park for its peak season. This year we will be celebrating the morning of May 7th from 10 – 1 with a volunteer day to help keep our neighborhood’s favorite park clean and green for the season. Please sign up to join us for a fun day with your community in the park!

For any questions you can always reach out to for more information.

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Love Your Park is a citywide initiative focused on cleaning, greening, and celebrating Philadelphia’s parks. From regular volunteer workdays to citywide celebrations and year-round community organizing, Love Your Park brings Philadelphians together to clean, green, and celebrate our public green spaces. One of their keystone events is the annual spring and fall Love Your Park Week which is a week-long celebration of parks across Philadelphia. Park Friends groups across Philadelphia will be tending gardens and flower beds, caring for trees, and cleaning up our parks after a cold winter.

Clark Park always embraces Love Your Park Week as a mainstay of our sprint push the ready the park for its peak season. This year we will be celebrating the morning of May 7th from 10 – 1 with a volunteer day to help keep our neighborhood’s favorite park clean and green for the season. Please sign up to join us for a fun day with your community in the park!

For any questions you can always reach out to for more information.

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Warm weather is in the air and Clark Park is starting to fill in with friends and families gearing up to enjoy the first days of spring. It is a great time to hang out in the park, but it is also a key time for the Friends of Clark Park in getting our park ready for another peak season. Each spring volunteers work hard to clean and green the park to make it as beautiful as possible for the neighborhood. This includes taking care of all the gardens, maintaining the park furniture, and cleaning up around the park. This year is no different and your help is needed! We have a number of upcoming events to get the park ready for the season:

  1. Gardening & Pizza – This Sunday (3/20) meet the Friends Gardening Committee from 3PM – 5PM at the Shed at 45th and Regent for a Spring Planting and Pizza party afterwards! It is a great way to meet the team who takes care of the gardens and can always use extra hands throughout the season.

  2. Volunteer Clean Up Day – Saturday April 2nd from 10AM – 12PM will be our first big park cleanup day of the season. There will be a variety of activities for all ages to help out. Meet us at the Shed at 45th and Regent to help clean up the park!

  3. Volunteer Clean Up Day – On Saturday April 16th from 10AM – 12:30PM we will have a second clean up event. If you can’t join un on 4/2 (or even if you can) it is another opportunity to help clean up the park this spring.

All these events are fun for the whole family and a great way to spend time outside in the park this spring. For any questions please reach out to for more information.

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