Join Us for Party in the Park 2017

Please join the Friends of Clark Park in celebrating our beloved park, members and community at the fifth annual Friends of Clark Park Party in the Park on Saturday, May 20th from 4-8pm as part of Philadelphia’s citywide Love Your Park week. All are welcome to this free event in the park! Rain or shine, with food, music, games and camaraderie, we’ll toast West Philly’s civic commons together. This family friendly, casual event is a perfect chance to enjoy a spring evening in the park, grabbing delicious food truck eats, sips from Dock Street Brewery while greeting neighbors and looking forward to all that the park will bring in 2017.

Why are we doing this? The purpose of Party in the Park is for the whole community to celebrate West Philly’s sacred green heart. That’s why it’s free! To hold this community event, we needed supporters. Sponsors making this event possible for the community and keeping the Friends advocating for and stewarding the park in 2017 include the Fairmount Park Conservancy, University City District, University of the Sciences, U3 Ventures, University City Review and Urban & Bye Realtors. In addition to the sponsors, it is the members of the Friends of Clark Park that keep advocacy for and stewardship of the park relevant and funded year after year. Clark Park has many fans, but always needs more friends. Join us at the party as a member to show your love for the park.

For more details please see: FLYER

Membership Meeting Recap

A big thank you to everyone who turned out for our latest Members Meeting this Monday to discuss the new PP&R dog policy.

A quick recap of the policy is below:

In January PP&R organized a city-wide workshop for park friends’ groups; PP&R has developed a comprehensive set of regulations applying to all parks.  Some of these are laws, some regulations, some simply practices or guidelines.   Many of the problems have developed in other parks; these are not issues that have come up specifically about Clark Park.


Philadelphia City Law is that all dogs must be on 6-foot leashes, but not something the police department will enforce; neither is PP&R staffed to enforce this law.   The best response to this situation is to have no problems; dog owners form a community that can police itself.   We expect dog owners to know what is working in the park and what is not.


In 2004-2006 we had two interest groups come forward: one to build a dog run and another to create a dog-free zone around the tot lot.  We (narrowly) voted down both proposals.  PP&R has dog runs in some parks, and PP&R will endorse such if there is strong community support, but PP&R will not maintain the facility, staff it, or provide funding. PP&R could also establish a dog-free zone in the park and will provide signage to do so.


PP&R also reminds all dog owners that there is also a law requiring licenses ($16 for neutered/spayed dogs and $40 for “natural” dogs), which also require appropriate vaccinations (rabies, etc.).  Registration can also help if a dog gets lost.


Designated organization for low-level problems is Philly Animal Care and Control Team (ACCT) at or 267-385-3800.   Advantage is they are open 7 days a week (unlike PP&R) for finding lost dogs, conflicts between owners or animals.


Higher-level problems can be handled by the police department through 911.  These would include attacks upon a person or property (including dogs) including personal injury or death.

It was a great discussion covering a wide variety of opinions and experiences. While some noted that there have occasionally been incidents where dog owners interfeared with the Youth Soccer League or out of control of their animals in the bowl, most speakers seemed to feel that things are working fairly well and most people (owners & non-owners alike) are being responsible.

Great suggestions were made for ways that we can improve the community that will merit further discussion and research. These ranged from a new Facebook group for dog owners, to adding additional signage focused on “good dog behavior” and establishing limits to dogs by the tot lot, to proposing a dog run. It was also noted as a reminder that  for dog owners who want to use a dog run that there is a private dog run nearby at 48th and Chester. (Another owner noted that currently there is no waiting list to join, it costs $65/year, and the group will meet next Monday April 29 at Calvary Church.)

Frank Chance added that the FoCP Planning Committee would put signage on its agenda and will announce its next meeting via Facebook and the web site.   We will also consider adding more doggie bag distribution points.

On a final note, if there are ways that FoCP can help the dog owners become more organized, including appointing one or more to the Board, we are happy to look into it.

Members Meeting April 17: New PP&R Dog Policy


Our next  Members Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 17 from 7 PM in Griffith Hall of USciences.

The primary agenda item is discussion of the new dog policy established by Philadelphia Parks & Recreation.  Highlights include the following:

A volunteer neighborhood group can petition to start a dog run in a park. There are currently seven. The group must establish that there is strong community support, & also that it is willing & able to maintain the run independently of PP&R.

A park group can also petition to establish a dog-free zone. This comes with signage & all.

A citywide animal-control team has been contracted by the city to respond to & deal with low-grade dog offenses & issues. There is a number people can call. The police will respond to actual attacks by dogs on humans.

Outside a dog run, the leash law is in effect. The leash must be 6′ or shorter.

There is a nice list of other commonsense dog dos & don’ts.

PP&R understands the culture of de facto off-leash dog areas like the Bowl & it will leave well enough alone. As long as “unpermitted” dog use takes place in an orderly way, without arousing problems in the community, PP&R has no intention of interfering.

Please let me know if there are other agenda items for the meeting.

Frank L. Chance, Secretary
Friends of Clark Park
PO Box 31908, Philadelphia PA 19104

Clark Park Youth Soccer Starting 3/25

We will have walk-in registration on Saturday, March 25th for children ages 8 and up — there are just a few spaces left on our 8-9 teams, but plenty of room for more on the 10-11 teams. Teams for children ages 5 to 7 are completely full. Walk-in registration will take place at Rosenberger Hall, 10:00 am to 12:15 pm. Rosenberger Hall is the University of the Sciences building on the 43rd St. side of the park, south of the basketball court.  Please email with any questions.

The coaches, parents, and children playing soccer will be grateful to dog walkers for clearing the bowl by 10:00 on Saturday — and especially for ensuring that your dogs haven’t left behind any special “treats”.  Thank you!

Youth Soccer Registration – Don’t Miss Out!

We may be bracing for a blizzard, but we’re less than two weeks away from the start of the spring season of Clark Park Youth Soccer. Registrations are coming in quickly — we still have plenty of room for children ages 8 to 11, but teams for ages 5 to 7 are filling up fast.  Don’t miss out!  Register online, or download a registration form to mail in from our Youth Soccer page.

If finances are a problem, please contact — because of generous donations to our “soccership” fund, we can help!

Youth Soccer: Registration for Spring Season

Registration is now open for the Spring season of Clark Park Youth Soccer, Friends of Clark Park’s popular family-friendly program for children ages 5 to 11. The season will begin on Saturday, March 25th and continue every Saturday until May 20th. Clark Park Youth Soccer is a low-cost, volunteer-run program that introduces children to the game of soccer in a non-competitive environment that encourages participation of children of all abilities.

Full information about the program and links to registration forms are available on our Youth Soccer page, or by contacting . Support from local organizations and business keep the registration costs for the program low, but for families with financial need we also have “soccership” funds, available thanks to generous donations made in memory of Paul Brooks, the founder of the program.


Loss of a Friend

Xmas tree mulch spreading

Winnie Harris organizing the volunteers at the 2017 MLK Service Day — spreading the Christmas Tree mulch in Clark Park!

The Friends of Clark Park were deeply saddened this past week to learn of the tragic loss of Winnie Harris. Winnie was a tireless advocate for building community through care of each other and care of our neighborhood, and was a beloved friend of Clark Park. Her life being cut short is an enormous loss and she will be greatly missed. Winnie was truly the salt of the earth. Her example will live large for the Friends, and we commit to living her example and carrying on with the work she started and championed.


GivingTuesdayClarkParkAfter giving thanks and getting deals, it’s time to give back! #GivingTuesday is the day to make a difference in your community.  And what better way to do that than to make a gift to the Friends of Clark Park?  Clark Park reaches the heart and soul of our community, connects us and empowers us to act locally – and the Friends support the park with maintenance, improvements and advocacy.  This Tuesday, consider joining and making a financial donation to the Friends of Clark Park.  Your contribution will go toward new benches, tree care, garden improvements, and tireless advocacy for West Philadelphia’s most engagingly active green space.

And remember, #GivingTuesday is about more than just one day.  Come work with us over the next year. Volunteer with us as we steward the park and stay connected. Spend this week doing one good deed for the park each day you are there, like bringing a bag with you to pick up trash you see. Or join us to clean up leaves this Saturday, December 2nd, at 10:00 am – we’ll meet by the shed.
Don’t forget to post your #unselfie. Add Clark Park to your giving story this Tuesday and beyond and tell everyone how you are giving back to your park.

Trash in Clark Park

Yesterday, I spent three hours as a volunteer bagging trash in B Park.  I did this because we are between SMA’s (Seasonal Maintenance Associates), the summer season (funded by PP&R) having ended in October (with an extension to November 12) and the winter season (funded by UCD) having not begun yet.  So for two weeks the trash cans have gone untended, and as many people have noticed, they are overflowing.   I took the bags in the shed out and moved trash to the curb, putting in new bags, for a dozen or so of the cans around the Tot Lot and the bowl, until I ran out of bags and energy.   While doing this I had some thoughts about trash in the park.

First, please remember that everything you leave in a trash can in Clark Park has to be moved to the curb by hand.  There are no machines that come in and empty the cans (though the SMA uses a wheelbarrow).  In an ideal world we would like park users to take their trash with them, though we know that is unlikely.   But there are things you can do to help the situation.  If you are throwing away a water bottle, empty it first.  The trees need the water more than the trash truck does, and liquids are heavy.

Second, household trash has no place in park trash cans.   This applies equally to automotive trash, such as old tires, and to construction debris.   The SMA has enough work to do dealing with trash generated in the park, without having to deal with stuff brought in from elsewhere.

Third, if you have a party or a picnic in the park, please bring your own trash bags.  Ideally you should take that trash out of the park when you leave, but if you fill them and leave them beside the trash cans it is easy for the SMA to deal with it.   But if you put 30 dirty plates and cups into a trash bag, it is filled up and can’t be used by others.  So please add trash bags to your shopping list for parties in the park.

Thank you for your continued support of the Friends of Clark Park!