As the weather starts to warm the Clark Park community begins its kick into high gear. With each springish day the farmers markets crowds grow, the bowl fills with four legged friends, and the playgrounds buzz with kids laughs. This is the season when Clark Park starts to reawaken from it’s winter lull and the Friends of Clark Park start our annual house keeping.
Keeping Clark Park clean and green over the peak season is a full time job and one of the key focuses of the the Friends. We work closely with Philadelphia Parks and Recreation (PPR) to ensure the park is fully supplied with ongoing services. In addition to basic services, PPR also keeps the park looked after with a full time staff member and two seasonal maintenance attendants who focus on keeping the park well maintained. In addition, Friends of Clark Park partners with University City District to provide supplemental coverage and holds monthly volunteer days to ensure the park is as pristine as possible. For more details check out our Cleaning Clark Park page.
How can you help? There are two main ways. First, there is always work to do around the park and we love to to have helping hands for our volunteer days. We would love your help at either of our upcoming events on March 14th or April 4th. If you are able to help out please email Volunteer@friendsofclarkpark.org. Secondly your membership fees are essential in helping us fund our supplemental services. Please ensure your membership is up to date or donate at the link above.
Looking forward to helping everyone enjoy Clark Park this season!