Friends of Clark Park is very supportive of the statement Council Member Jamie Gauthier released about the upcoming demonstration in Clark Park:
Our office has been receiving a high volume of calls concerning a rally in Clark Park that is reportedly planned for this coming Saturday. The demonstration is being promoted by a known white nationalist hate group, and they have selected a highly visible location and time for the event in order to maximize tensions and create a spectacle.
Let us be perfectly clear: our community is purposely being targeted for this event because of our diversity and our progressive values. The rally, and the views this group espouse, run counter to everything we stand for.
While free speech is protected under the Constitution, I wholly condemn this organization, and in particular their plans to bring this outright hatred to West Philly. I think I speak for all of us when I say: Go home. You are unwelcome, and we don’t want you here.
And to residents of the 3rd District, I ask that you please take the high road on Saturday by being safe and peaceful. Responding to this hate group with force only gives them legitimacy and power. Let’s not offer them this power or a podium for their propaganda.
We remain in close communication with Parks & Recreation and PPD, and will share any updates they provide with regard to this event.