Youth Soccer Returns to Clark Park this Spring

Clark Park’s Youth Soccer league will be back in action this fall and registration is open until April 10th. Our soccer league offers a low pressure, community oriented and volunteer fueled sports program for our Clark Park neighborhood. The league enables kids to discover soccer while engaging with a wide community of children from throughout West Philly. It is focused on creating an inclusive environment for children of all skill levels & interest levels, our coaching team finds a way for everyone to enjoy a great day in the park.

This season will take place every Saturdays from April 20th to June 8th with teams meeting at either 9:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., or 10:00 a.m. for one hour. The league covers kids from ranging from kindergarten through fifth grade. Additionally, we hold a Pre-K Clinic for four-year-olds with Coach Adi every other Saturday at 8:30 am during the season (email to register). In order to participate this season you must be a member of Friends of Clark Park! Once membership is paid, the fees for soccer are $20 for the first child, and $10 for each additional child (from the same household). PreK clinic is free for members.

Sadly, some of our longtime volunteer coaches have left the neighborhood, so we really need adult volunteers to join the ranks. No experience is necessary, just the enthusiasm to help kids stay safe and have fun. Let us know during registration or email us directly at Feel free to reach out with any other questions!

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